Autonomous geographies in Dublin: sustainability innovation, social learning and sustainable lifestyles in resistance trajectories


  • Laura Martins de Carvalho Innovate Ballymun, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland



geografias autônomas na Irlanda, inovações em sustentabilidade de base, aprendizagem social, estilos de vida sustentáveis, técnicas participativas.



In recent years, there has been an increased interest in grassroots and community-based actions focusing in sustainability innovation and the promotion of sustainable lifestyles. However, there are few researches linking autonomous geographies with sustainability innovation, social learning and sustainable lifestyles. In this research I analyse one autonomous social centre based in Dublin, Seomra Spraoi, to find if the Centre is a fruitful space for sustainability innovation, social learning and if it promotes sustainable lifestyles. A mixed method of data collection was used: semi-structured qualitative interviews with the people involved in managing the centre and long-term volunteers (9 participants) to establish how sustainability innovation and social learning take place in the Centre and a quantitative survey with the centre


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