Avulsed permanent incisor
Tooth avulsion, Treatment, Tooth Replantation.Resumo
Tooth avulsion is a complex injury that affects the pulp tissue, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. It is more frequent in children aged 7 to 11 years. The prognosis is directly related to the period during which the tooth is outside the socket; there is consensus in the literature that the shorter this period, the higher will be the possibility of pulp revascularization and reattachment of periodontal ligament fibers. The need of maintenance of the avulsed tooth in an adequate medium is also known. This study reports a case of complex replantation after avulsion, in which the care was provided 48 hours after the trauma and the tooth was kept dry by the patient, thus suggesting a treatment option for these cases. The avulsed tooth was cleaned and submitted to endodontic treatment; a rigid retainer was used for 7 days and the calcium hydroxide dressing was constantly replaced for 12 months. After 28 months, the tooth exhibited clinical aspect of normality and the radiographic examination revealed a slight alteration at the apical portion of the root. It was concluded that this treatment planning may be a good option in cases of tooth avulsion with late replantation; even though the conditions of care were unfavorable and contraindicated by the scientific literature and the prognosis was impaired, a considerable benefit was achieved for the patient, since the treatment allowed its immediate reintegration to the social relationships, as well as maintenance of facial growth and development.Downloads
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