

  • Claudio Froes Freitas Universidade Cidade de São Paulo
  • Thásia Luiz Dias Ferreira University of São Paulo
  • Jurandyr Panella University of São Paulo




Odontodysplasia, Tooth abnormalities.


Odontodysplasia is considered a rare dental development anomaly, which leads to enamel and dentin hypoplasia of the affected teeth, whose etiology is still uncertain and broadly discussed. At the clinical exam, the teeth with odontodysplasia are usually shorter than those of normality standards, with irregular crown shape and form, with hypoplastic, yellow or pigmented external surface. The radiographic aspect depends on the stage the anomalous tooth is x-rayed, given the different evolutional stages of the mineralization process; however, in general, there is a significant reduction in the radiopacity of all mineralized structures, with no distinction between enamel and dentin, with abnormally wide pulp chambers and, at times, unshapely. In this paper the authors present a case of three sisters with odontodysplasia and the main clinical and radiographic characteristics of this development anomaly, based on a literature review. The work at issue is of clinical relevance as it shows three odontodysplasia cases in the same family, suggesting genetic inheritance, which opposes to the researched papers.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Jurandyr Panella, University of São Paulo

(in Memoriam)


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Relato de caso / Case report