Microhardness of the enamel exposed to whitening dentifrices.
Dentifrices, Dental enamel, Peroxides.Resumo
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of three different types of dentifrices on the superficial microhardness of bovine enamel. Methods: Forty-eight 4x4mm dental fragments were polished and randomly divided into 4 groups: GI, conventional silica-based dentifrice; GII, hydrogen peroxide-based dentifrice; GIII, carbamide peroxide-based dentifrice; and GIV, immersion in artificial saliva. After polished, the specimens received five indentations of 25g static load, for 5 seconds. Subsequently, specimens from groups GI, GII and GIII were immersed in solution containing dentifrice and distilled water, in weight proportion of 1:2, for 15 minutes daily. After this period, fragments were rinsed in tap water and stored in artificial saliva at 37oC. This procedure was repeated for 21 days and then a new analysis of the microhardness was performed. Results and conclusion: The results were submitted to ANOVA and FisherDownloads
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