Asymptomatic antrolith in maxillary sinus. Report of a case.
Surgery, oral, Paranasal sinuses, Foreign bodies.Resumo
Antroliths are depositions composed of minerals, such as calcium phosphate, located around a foreign body into the sinuses; the maxillary sinus is most affected by antroliths, followed by the frontal sinus. The aim of this study was to report the case of the patient JVS, a 63-year-old male with no health disorders who was referred to the oral and maxillofacial surgery department of a reference hospital in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, as a victim of a motorcycle accident. On physical examination, it was found that the patient exhibited fracture of the left maxillary and zygomatic bones. Upon examination by computed tomography imaging, besides the fracture lines, a hyperdense area of well-defined limits in the left maxillary sinus was observed. In surgical treatment, after fixation of facial fractures, a Caldwell-Luc access without lower meatal antrostomy was performed for foreign body removal and sinusectomy with restoration of sinus drainage. The foreign body was sent for histopathological study, which suggested the presence of an exogenous antrolith of the left maxillary sinus. Thus, it can be concluded that a careful analysis of imaging tests may show unusual changes found in the antral cavity, even without the occurrence of any clinical symptoms.Downloads
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