Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH): report of a severe case


  • Saygo Tomo UNESP
  • Nagib Pezati Boer UNICASTELO
  • Jussara Barbosa Fortunato UNICASTELO
  • Adriana Sales Cunha Correia UNICASTELO



Tooth demineralization, Dental enamel, Fluorides, Incisor.


The term molar-incisor hypomineralization describes an uncommon pathological entity characterized by the hypomineralization of permanent first molars and commonly affecting permanent incisors. In this paper we describe a case of a 9 years old female patient attended with severe dental sensibility, masticatory and phonetic difficulties. Clinical examination revealed severe enamel structural defects affecting all four permanent first molars and opaque stains affecting permanent incisors, besides caries lesions on posterior teeth and severe osseous basis discrepancy. Radiographic examination evidenced permanent first molars imbrication and shallow lesions on the enamel of these teeth. Therefore, molar-incisor hypomineralization was defined. After fluoride varnish applications, glass ionomer cement restorations and home performed fluoride mouthwash, patient continued to report dental sensibility. Molar-incisor hypomineralization is capable of led the affected patient through morbidity which results on quality of life decrease. Due to severe dentin exposure, therapeutic interventions aiming to reduce dental sensibility are not always effective.


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Relato de caso / Case report